So… if you’re shopping online for Valentine’s Day, you need to get a hustle on! Especially if you’re buying something from overseas.

I will admit – Nick and I are TOTALLY unromantic most of the time on Valentine’s. We often will just do a card and cuddle up to watch a movie.

I think I’d fall over if he bought me a piece of jewellery for Valentine’s Day (though of course, it’s pretty rare that a jeweller gets given jewellery!). However, if I WASN’T a jeweller, I would love something beautiful, meaningful and silver on a special occasion…

Actually, now I think about it… he did actually buy me a very gorgeous piece of sterling silver jewellery back before I was a jeweller – a stunning, custom handmade cuff bangle with a leaf design. It was made by an old jeweller friend of his back in England – Georgina Ettridge. He’d shown me her work and I fell totally in love… and voila, I got a very special piece for my birthday one year. So maybe he’s more romantic than I give him credit for!

If you haven’t ever stumbled across George’s work, please check it out – she’s a stunning artist!

I thought I’d share a few Valentine-y Epheriell designs with you today to spark your imagination, in case you are a romantic, and your special someone deserves a special treat this year.

So, let’s get to it, shall we?

First – something brand-new. I’m going to highlight the full range of my new ‘Secret Message’ rings next week, but here are the 3 sets that are available, to show you how they look.

These are the only personalised rings I offer, and I’m really excited about making them available, considering how many inquiries I get about ring personalisation.

They come in 3 finishes – oxidised, matte, and gloss.

1-DSC_0914 Secret Message Rings - Matte Finish - 6mm + 3 (2) Secret Message Rings - Mirror Shine - 6mm + 3 (6)

You can choose any words/phrases/dates/numbers that you like up to 15 characters.

You can see all of them right here.

Next, the Custom Initial Earrings. Of course, you can just order the hug/kiss design pictured, OR you can choose any initials you like – or even numbers!


Next we have the hearts designs.

The Entwined Hearts are a classic favourite.

hearts entwined 1

Of course, you can get the single Heart Necklace, too.

heart 2

The Del’s Heart Earrings have been around for a while now, and I originally made these as a custom design for my friend Del – hence the name.

Del's Heart (3)

Finally, for another very special ring option – the Infinity Ring Set. This would make a super-special commitment or promise ring set.

Infinity Ring Wedding Set B&W

So, what do you usually do for Valentine’s Day? Do you celebrate it with your SO?