2015 Christmas Order Cut-Off Dates

2015 Christmas Order Cut-Off Dates

That time has crept up on us yet again. Yep, there are only a few weeks left to get your orders in with us for pre-Christmas delivery!   ***CHRISTMAS ORDER CUT-OFF DATES*** Australian Orders: Dec 10 | Anywhere else: Dec 1st   Please place any orders you...
Nov 2015 Subscriber Giveaway – #MakeForGood Hoops!

Nov 2015 Subscriber Giveaway – #MakeForGood Hoops!

A new month means a new giveaway, and this month, we’re giving away a pair of #MakeForGood Hoop Earrings to a lucky someone anywhere in the world! This giveaway is only open to our Silver Service subscribers but if you’re not already subscribed, it’s...
Epheriell Wedding – Mareike and Sebastian

Epheriell Wedding – Mareike and Sebastian

I was looking through our folder of ‘happy customer’ photos today, and I realised that I never shared these gorgeous wedding shots with you before! These photos are by Mareike, who – along with her husband Sebastian – chose to buy a set of our...
#MakeForGood Favourites

#MakeForGood Favourites

G’day lovelies! I wanted to pop by and share some of my favourite items from fellow makers who are also participating in the Etsy #makeforgood campaign today. What is #makeforgood? These products are part of the #makeforgood collection, a project powered by...