Happy New Year!

It’s Monday morning here in Queensland, and it’s back to work for Nick and I today.

We’ve re-opened the shops, and are ready and waiting to craft some beautiful things in the next few weeks… until we close again!

Yes, we’re only open again for the next 10 days, before we need to close the shops for a few weeks for our long-anticipated trip to Japan. It will be 3 weeks of cities and snow, and I can’t wait 😀 So, I wanted to send you this reminder:

For our Japan trip, we’ll be closed:

Jan 13 – Feb 15


We had a lovely Christmas/New Year break with family and friends (and lots of reading and gaming in our downtime, nerds that we are).

We hope you had a wonderful holiday season, too, and that 2017 has awesome things in store for you!

Happy New Year,
Jess + Nick

P. S. Also a bit of advanced notice that we’re off to England, Europe, and Canada later this year around June/July so if you’re planning a Northern Hemisphere summer wedding, or a southern Hemisphere winter wedding, please make sure you’ve put in your ring orders by mid-May to ensure you will be able to get them in time! I’ll give you exact dates when we’ve booked our flights.