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It’s not often you see a brand-new business getting started on Etsy that already looks this awesome!

Square Fox Designs is the new venture of a lovely lady called Sarah. I met Sarah after she had come to a series of talks I did here in Brisbane. I noticed her in each audience – this was a lady who was paying attention!

We spoke after the last talk I gave, and she told me that she was super-close to having her shop ready to go, she just had to ‘push the button’. I told her to just DO it… and to send me a link when she did.

Well, she sent me the link earlier this week, and I was so impressed I knew straight away I wanted to share her work with you all!

It’s so very Queensland – tropical, bright, and fun – and definitely something unique! I can just picture those cushions strewn across a rattan settee on a big Queenslander verandah… can’t you?

HOLIDAY BREAK: March 13th to 30th. Any orders during this time will begin processing on March 31st. Please keep this extended order production time in mind if placing an order during this time. Thank you! Dismiss