Have you laughed today?
Giggled, guffawed, snorted, tittered, honked, bellowed… whatever sort of laughter comes right out of the center of your body when something is just too awesome to be responded to in mere words?
I have – I really hope you have, too. But if not, I hope these joyful pictures will at least bring a smile to your face… honestly, it’s almost impossible to look at photos of people experiencing real joy and NOT smile.
You can see LOTS more joyful pictures like this on my Joy Pinterest board.
Share what you’re loving, too!
Write a post on your blog highlighting what you’re loving this week, come back here and share the link in the comments, then share it on social media with the hashtag #WhatImLoving so we can all take a peek. I’ll be RTing/Pinning and otherwise sharing your awesomeness.
Photo credits top to bottom: E Dorj | Kate Harrison |Ekaterina Muganlinskaya | dacookieman | Diana Santisteban | Mali-mo | Bhanuwat Jittivuthikarn | Unknown
such gorgeous images 🙂